I was a dabbler shall we say in the world of the occult for a while about 15 years ago. Entered into a coven for a while and now associate with a group who research occult matters, including certain areas I would prefer they would stay away from. They investigate to uncover the roots behind certain practises and that's all.
Personally I stay clear now due to awful choatic energies that were unleashed into my life. I became quite ill and can link my illness to that exposure.IMO there is "no difference" between spirit manifestation that now operate through "different" channels towards the earth, they are simply trying to ground themselves and use our dense matter, whilst taking vital energy. Without a doubt there is deception there. They pretend to operate through clean channels, but in reality push the mind towards a belief system that oposes the true God (the greatest spirit).
Most of the pagan customs are steeped in material idolatry for a start. Think about it, your mother gives you a teddy bear as a present, you focus all of your will upon the teddy bear and totally ignore the mother. How does this make your mother feel?
Clear moral codes are pushed to one side and idividuality is brought to the fore. The magician transcends reality using either emptying rituals, to disconnect the emotional centre away from logic through thought, achieving a state whereby morality plays no greater part than the effect of a fart in the wind. The weaker initiates achieve this by using a potent mixture of drugs or alcohol. The creator I define in my mind would not use these methods for enlightenment.
They also focus their attention towards the planets and worship even the "moon goddess" or forms there within. These customs snake straight back towards ancient Babylon. It is interesting to note how the female energy is also pushed to the fore and the male energy often demoted to slave class.
There is too much to go into my friend. Pick up a few books by Colin Wilson maybe and take the overview and decide for yourself.
It's up to you what you do and where you go and I am sorry if I jumped down your throat, I feel strongly about this subject is all.